Friday, January 11, 2013

A Lil Bit(e) of 2013 - Moroccan Carrot and Chick Pea Salad

2013 came in with a bang and is hear with a vengeance - I can't believe we're halfway through the month already!  To end the holidays, I got a delightful cold, most likely due to my lack of attention to the fact that I now live in Pittsburgh, rather than San Diego, when dressing myself in the morning.  I still haven't quite gotten the knack for wearing socks, or a coat that is for warmth rather than a fashion statement.  But whatever.
This is my first week back at work (and it's been a hell of one - TGIF!), as well as my first week back to cooking normal dinners for Kevin and I (i.e. rather than cookies, snacks, or random side dishes to bring to holiday family dinners).  As most Americans do these first few weeks of January, I am craving healthy foods - colorful veggies, lots of citrus (for the cold!), and things that are all around not covered in a cream sauce or in sugar. Therefore, when I saw a recipe on 101 cookbooks for this Moroccan Carrot and Chick Pea salad, my taste buds perked right up.  When I think Moroccan, I think warm and spicy flavors, yet the carrots and chick peas sounded down right American-after-the-holiadys delicious.
Perhaps my favorite thing about this recipe was the fact that I got to use my mortar and pestle, which makes me feel like an aspiring and exciting chef, as well as possibly an old Native American woman, when I use it. I, in my usual fashion, made some changes and updates to my taste preferences and the (pathetic) availability of ingredients at any store near my abode.

I first made the dressing by toasting 1/2 Tbs of cumin seeds in a skillet until the seeds were lightly browned (about a minute or two). I then ground the seeds into a powder with my trusty mortar and pestle.
In a small bowl, I mixed together 1/3 cup of olive oil, 2 Tbs. lemon juice, 1 Tbs of honey, my ground cumin, 1/4 tsp of salt, and a pinch of cayenne pepper. Then I stuck it in the fridge so all the flavors could introduce themselves to each other.
In a medium bowl, I mixed a 10 oz. bag of grated carrots, 1 can of chickpeas (drained and rinsed), 1/2 cup of pitted dates, chopped in quarters, and 1/3 cup of fresh mint. I tossed it together and stuck that in the fridge.  I also browned some almonds in the cumin seed skillet. Once we were about ready to eat, I took it all out of the fridge, and tossed the salad together with the carrot/chick pea mixture, dressing, and the almonds.  I also added a little more salt to taste.

To go with the salad, I made a quick and easy orzo pasta (I've been on a big orzo kick for the last month or so).  I sauteed up some onion and garlic, added in some vegetable broth, and brought it to a boil.  Then I added in the orzo, and cooked it, covered, until it was done and the liquid was gone (about 15 minutes).  I mixed in some freshly grated parmesan and some black pepper, and called it a meal.
It was delicious.  Easy and delicious.  And not super bad for me, either.  Wooooo!

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